Tuesday, April 11, 2017

This biotech has developed a cure for cancer and its shares are soaring.

By Unknown | At 12:34 PM | Label : | 0 Comments
One of my friends at Goldman told me to buy QSMG this morning.

He is an expert at this stuff and has never let me down before. After researching the company, it seems that he may be right.

I am going to buy 5,000 shares now because it's all I can afford, but you should buy as little or as many as you possibly can...

Their biotech arm, Stemvax has developed a cure for cancer and just completed successful human trials under the FDA's supervision.

The stock has jumped 3X already since last week and is guaranteed to go to at least 20 dollars this month based on his research.

Once QSMG's official announcements for the cure become public, there's no saying how high their share price will go.

I expect some very serious stuff to be announced in the coming 2 weeks. Act quickly so you don't miss out.

FDA approval is about to send this stock up fifty fold

By Unknown | At 6:07 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
Why is Quest Management (Symbol: QSMG) guaranteed to jump 5,000% this month?

They have a cure for cancer.

This biotech is run by some of the most prolific scientists in America. Together, they have more than 400 years of experience in the field and have more diplomas than we can even imagine.

Cancer kills 1 out of 4 people in our country and we have all been affected by it either directly or indirectly.

Who doesn't know someone who's died from it?

The company's scientists are targeting cancer using stem cells. They are able to identify the bad cells and destroy them without radiating the entire body (like is common with chemo).

Apart from saving millions of lives, their treatment will surely become the No1 selling drug on earth.

The company has already made serious headway thanks to nearly two decades of research.

This cutting edge biotech company has completed animal trials successfully and just wrapped up FDA-approved human trials last week.

The next step is the public announcement of those results, which we hear through the grapevine have beat all expectations and will change the world of medicine forever.

The results will be announced this month, and once they are out the stock will jump to $25 a share overnight and will continue up to $50 or more quickly after.

"Quest"'s biotech arm could have a cancer cure that can be totally effective in killing tumors in more than 40% of patients worldwide available in hospitals throughout the globe by the end of the year.

Once that happens, we're talking about a $1000 a share stock.

We're literally coming in at the last mile, out of no where, and grabbing profits from their last 2 decades of hard work.

Consider buying QSMG right now while it's still at under 5 dollars and make sure to tell all your friends to do the same before the price explodes.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Allow me to share something profitable with you today.

By Unknown | At 5:20 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
If you're wondering why I'm emailing you now, out of the blue, after months of radio silence let me tell you that I have a good reason for that.

Do you remember the last time I sent you a tip? It was around November if I recall correctly.

If you bought that stock I told you about back then, you would've quadrupled your money at the very least.

Now here we are, a few months later and I've got something else to tell you about.

Basically if you remember, I've got a good acquaintance who works at a law firm in New York and when I took him out to a fancy steak dinner last Monday (with lots of wine) he became very talkative and let me in on a little tip.

This is what I want to share with you today. He essentially told me that some time mid next week, a small company called incapta (ticker: INCT) is going to announce that it's being acquired by a giant for a little over 1.30 a share (yes over a dollar thirty, and yes it's at just under 15 cents now)

He knows this because his law firm is the one that drafted all the paperwork for the deal and they are expected to finalize and sign the agreements today, with the official announcement coming some time between Tuesday and Thursday.

If you buy shares today, you are guaranteed to make approximately tenfold next week. The way it works is if you're holding the shares they will just take them out of your account automatically and credit you with the cash equivalent to 1.37 or so which you can take out whenever you want and spend on nice things.

Keep me in mind when you're rolling in it. I expect a big thank you and maybe a small gift!

look at my naked photos!

By Unknown | At 12:17 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
look at my naked photos Here!
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